Im looking for my other half

My Sect
Very religious
My Profession
Marital Status
Never married
Michigan, Dearborn Heights
United States
Registration Reason
I'm registering to find myself a partner
A Little Bit About Me
A little description about myself? Surely it's like writing a resume, right? Wrong. A LOT more people would be reading it and they will be extremely critical and shrewd, since they would potentially be spending the rest of their life with me. In theory, writing about ourselves should be relatively easy but it can be incredibly difficult and agonizing. How do you talk about yourself without coming off as boastful, self-promotion without bragging is one of the hardest skills to master. So I decided I would just compile a list of random yet insightful facts about myself rather than trying to write the perfect pitch and crafting a compelling bio.

1.Deen is an integral part of my life, I would like to consider myself somewhat practicing as I've maintained a steady flow of ibadah.I observe all 5 fourouth including my sunnah salahs I fast all the nawfil ( Mondays/Thursdays,Alayam AlBeyth, 6 days of Shawal etc). I attend Islamic seminars and lectures and take part in masjid activities. I went to Islamic school where I gained as much Islamic knowledge as I did secular I have Quran memorized alhammdulila. I read and write Arabic too.

2.My happy zone is home with my family.I'm very much an introvert these days. I love being home and hanging out with my family. When things get super hectic its nice to be surrounded by loved ones having a good home cooked meal over stimulating conversation. My family means the world to me.

3.I'm a sentimental schmuck. I get choked up snot nosed teary eyed when Allah answers my prayers in ways much better than I could have ever asked for and even while watching sappy movies.

4. I have a deathly fear of driving, I can’t drive, despite coming from the countryside where it’s pretty much a necessity my knees shake and I have a near anxiety attack.

5. Nap Enthusiast

6. Bathroom Philosopher

7. Food Aficionado

8. Wannabe Chef

9. Yoga Lover

10. Movie Buff (My favorite movie is The Shawshank Redemption, I also have a slight obsession with south Korean thrillers.I also enjoy watching nail biting, finger chewing, eyes covering & looking only through the fingers, hair pulling, scratch next seat persons arm to bleed watch from under the blanket with all the lights on of the entire house horror movie that is sure to give me nightmares)

11.Tea Addict

12. I love to laugh. Slapstick humor sends me to the floor giggling to the point of weakness.I'm very easily amused. I'm particularly bad about this around my mom and my brothers. Sometimes we all just sit around in a circle laughing to the point of not being able to remember what we're even laughing about. We have fun together!

13.I'm a Clean Freak.I can't stand my house being dirty or in disarray. It literally stresses me out.

14.Just call me Mrs. Worst-Case-Scenario.I'm capable of jumping to the worst case scenario in any and all circumstances.If my siblings complain of a headache, I'll quickly assume it's a brain tumor.If my father fails to respond to a text message or phone call from me while at the office at 6:45pm when he would normally be very reachable, I'll assume he choked on a pretzel and won't be found until morning. Or worse, that he's already left for home and his car went off into a ditch. If kids are running outside with a twig in their hand, I make them stop because I'm worried it will end up stabbing them in the gut when they trip and fall, or worse, in the eye!

15.I’m so laid back that I’m practically lying down. It takes a lot to bother me, and I’m often heard saying “it’ll be fine!”

16.I’m rubbish at anything sporty, and have always been that way. As a child I’d find any way to get out of activities during gym, and even when taking part I’d be at the back, daydreaming.

17.I totally don’t mind mornings, and often annoy people around me by showing up to uni in a good mood.

18. While I’ve managed to refrain from Instagram-ing my beverages, I have reached Starbucks ‘Gold Card’ status from being there often enough to make my clothes reek of coffee beans. Venti frappuccinos are YUM!

19. I have been told that im totes a white chick because of my cheerful, bubbly demeanor and modulated voice not to mention my valley girl lingo.

20. I secretly shop at the mens department the world of oversize is your oyster in the men’s department all of it can look cool comfy and most importantly modest, I dressed like a lumberjack all of winter I was timberland and flannel obsessed.

21.When I was young I used to like eating wood and chewed through a plank of my wooden bunk bed.

22.I've spent a summer working in my dads pharmacy to prove to my family that I am physically capable of removing myself from the sofa in front of the TV during the holidays.

23. I always think I'm right. That's because I usually am

24. I grind my teeth in my sleep so I have to wear a mouth guard to bed and it is the single most unattractive thing you will never see .

25.I cant stand people who are arrogant about their looks. You won the genetic lottery, not a Nobel Peace Prize.

26.I talk to myself A LOT.

27. I was once a vegetarian for 2 years.

28. Last year I went through 23 iPhone cables.

29. Apart from learning how to bake really, really good brownies and that dabbing, not rubbing, gets stains out I have learned that life has no set path to traverse, that there is no overarching framework except faith.

30. I have a way of befriending children I guess its cause im still a child at heart.

31. I'm the monopoly master/ charades crusader.

32. Mon-Fri I fit in a total of 13 classes in addition to commitments and obligations. That's 3 tafsir classes, 3 tajweed lessons 2 college classes and 5 gym sessions. I don't sleep a great deal these days as you can imagine.

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What I Am Looking For
It's hard to quantify what you need and there's more to people than a one dimensional checklist. So, I'm going paint an image of what I envisage will go down a treat with me.

He's humble, has character and fears Allah.

He's chilled out, playful, down to earth and intelligent. Family orientated for sure, someone who appreciates and values spending time with those dearest to him.

He yearns for good in this life but more for the afterlife. Marriage is a means of getting closer to Allah swt.

When the going gets tough, he knows that regardless of how different our views are, we'll succeed. Understands his position, responsibility as a man and mine as a woman.

He can take a diss/joke and throw it back. He makes me laugh.

The kind, that when it's snowing, would be up for going for a walk and having a snow fight.

The ability to be horribly immature when it comes to humor, but yet mature in all other aspects I know where my combination of the two is and it would be insanely awesome to find someone with a similar sweet spot.

My only physical requirement in a man is that he must have short, clean fingernails.

Someone that can just sit and hang with, anywhere. You know, like your best friend. Companionship. Pal. Amigo. Homie.

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Personal Information
My Citizenship
Country of Origin
Willing to Relocate?
I am Looking to Marry
As soon as possible
My Income
Prefer not to say
Marital Status
Never married
Would I like to have Children?
Do I have children?
My Living Arrangements?
I Live With Family
United States
Michigan, Dearborn Heights
My Height
1.60m (5' 3")
My Build
My Hair Colour
Colour of My Eyes
Do I Smoke?
Do I Have Any Disabilities?
My Education Level
Subject I Studied
My First Language
My Second Language
My Profession
My Job Title
Very religious
My Sect
Yes Hijab
Are You a Revert?
Do You Keep Halal?
I Always Keep Halal
Do You Perform Salaah?